75% Commissions <3
Our Sponsors: TruckersChoice - Lenny Ladner - Manor-Motel - CoDriver Finder > We Sponsor: StayFit - Free Food & Medicine - TaT - WIT - GGE

Mission Statement

At Truckers United For Freedom we endeavor to sustain the integrity and dignity of the trucking industry, and the drivers, by fighting unfair regulations with the help and support of our members.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was created in 2000 and they have taken great measures to create safer roads in the U.S. and in their many years of operation they have failed to reach their goals to make traveling on America's roads any safer. All the while they have received huge sums of money from Congress. In 2016 their operating budget was 580 million dollars. From 2006 to 2015 truck accident (fatality) rates have only decreased and increased to reflect the decline and growth in the economy. Meaning that the FMCSA has never really made an impact for safety. From 2009 to 2014 former administrator Ann Ferro propagated against the trucking industry to push regulatory agendas with the general population of society.

Our three primary concerns at this time are :
The mandate for the use of electronic logging devices (ELD's)
The Hours of Service Rules (HOS), primarily the 14 hour rule.
Truck drivers must have a voice in the legislative and regulatory process.

We do have many other concerns about adverse regulations and other practices that are inappropriate for the trucking industry. We will, as an industry of truck drivers, make a real and effectual change to improve our industry. We will do it when we remove all doubt and become tenacious in our cause.

Our Sponsors: TruckersChoice - Lenny Ladner - Manor-Motel - CoDriver Finder > We Sponsor: StayFit - Free Food & Medicine - TaT - WIT - GGE